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Full text of "Gadaba"

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Customs and tradlf ions are the bedrock of social existence.

They are            down from generation to generation.   They are

the quintessence of ancestral wisdom.   The customs of a   society

undergo             less rapidly than for instance dress, language,

etc., for, every society tries   to   preserve   its   Identity and


The Gadabas of Raia Cheruvu Valasa have some distinct



I.   Attitude to female child :

When a child Is born, it is usually accepted with pleasure.

The parents do not show preference for the male child. According

to them a male child is as good as a female child. The

male child, as he grows up, becomes rebellious, often the

son goes away from the parents to live in his father-in-law's place

or elsewhere after his marriage.    He rarely takes care of his aged

parents.   The daughter., on the other band, is more affectionate-

She assists the parents in household chores, such as taking  care of

younger children" sweeping the house, fetching water from the well

tending cattle, cooking, serving food, etc.   When she grows up, she

assists her parents in agricultural operations, and in getting headlo-

ads of firewood from the forest.   At the time of marriage, the dau-

ghter brings in bride money form the bride-groom. The son, on the

other hand, is a liability. He pesters his parents to part with money

to pay bride price for his marriage. As years roll by, the son gra-

dually veers away, often quarrelling with parents, Not so, the dau-

ghter. The daughter pays friendly visits periodically and enquires

after the welfare of her parents. The Gadabas, therefore, are more

attached to their daughters than to their sons.

Bat these considerations do not engender an attitude of

antipathy towards the son. The Gadabas preserve a sound egalita-

rian outlook towards both sons and daughters.